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Protected objects


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Emergency vehicles

Thanks to you, we are moving forward

Client references

We have been cooperating with Defense Pro since 2017. They have helped us arrange several events, including performances by leading Slovak artists. We also have entered into a dog trapping contract. Their work is very professional with a very human approach.

Mayor Štefan Gašparovič

Defense Pro performs various activities in the village of Hrubá Borša that help maintain order and security in public areas. An essential part of their work is patrolling, supervision in organizing cultural events, and, last but not least, catching stray dogs. Despite the wide scope of services, they perform their work very responsibly and honestly.

Mayor Ján Klačko

Anton Danter, starosta obce Veľký Biel, vyjadruje spokojnosť so spoločnosťou Defense Pro, s.r.o. s ktorou obec spolupracuje od r. 2016. Bezpečnostná služba zabezpečuje bezpečný chod v obci, ako aj odchytovú službu a videomonitoring obce, priestory prístupné verejnosti, napomáhajú pri odhaľovaní kriminality ako aj pri ochrane majetku.

Spolupracujú pri obecných akciách ako deň obce, hody, športové podujatia, voľby, cirkevné podujatia a usmerňovanie dopravy. Sú nápomocní policajnému zboru pri objasňovaní kriminálnych činov.

S prácou spoločnosti som nadmieru spokojný, je to vysoko profesionálna spoločnosť.

Anton Danter, starosta

Obec Veľký Biel

I'm extremely satisfied with the work of Defense Pro in the village of Tureň. Their work is at a high professional level. We also cooperate with the company in catching stray dogs, which has been a big issue everywhere lately.

They also deal with public nuisance very quickly. Thanks to their patrol in the village of Tureň, the number of thefts is decreasing.

We also cooperate with Defense Pro in securing cultural events.

Mayor Štefan Čermák

The village of Limbach began cooperating with the Defense Pro in 2017. Their professional approach and services convinced us, and our village uses services as assistance in securing general events, catching stray dogs, and the usual securing of physical order. I appreciate that they are ready to provide their services even in unexpected situations.

Mayor Adriana Čechovičová

S poskytovaním služieb sme nadmieru spokojní a výkon predmetu oboch zmlúv má veľmi pozitívny efekt, čoho dôkazom je rozšírenie služieb. Spoločnosť Defense Pro pristupuje k plneniu požiadaviek korektne, zodpovedne, flexibilne a tiež vysoko profesionálne. Z tohto dôvodu bude spolupráca pokračovať aj naďalej a ich služby vysoko odporúčame.
Peter Múčka
starosta obce

Defense Pro with their professional approach has been helping us to protect the business premises, property, and facilities of our winery since 2018. We are very satisfied with the cooperation with them all the time and feel safe under their wings.

Executive Director Marcela Hrozeková

We have been connected to the Centralized Security Monitoring Desk (CSMD) of Defense Pro since 2017. In addition to continuous monitoring of the protected building, they provide an immediate emergency response unit, personal protection, and physical guarding of our building. The employees of this company are nice and always helpful professionals. During our cooperation, they also helped us solve critical moments that occurred in our building, such as night harassment of employees by strangers, problematic behavior of employees under the influence of an addictive substance. Immediate deployment to the service helped us in the suspicion of the theft when they guarded the suspects until the arrival of the police.

Thank you for your cooperation. We appreciate the individual approach you have created for our social services facility.

Director Eva Nováková

Spolupracovať s Defense Pro bol správny krok pre našu firmu. Od prvého dňa preukazujú promptnosť, profesionalitu, výborné technické pozadie a snahu nad rámec ich povinností. Defense Pro odporúčame každému , kto chce mať svoj objekt pod ochranou a cítiť sa skutočne bezpečne.

I need to sincerely thank you once again for your professional and at the same time very human approach to providing the personal transport of our child to the hospital. Thank you and I wish you all the best. 🙂

Statutory Anna Hannikerová

You have been protecting our club since 2018 and we are extremely satisfied with your services. We especially appreciate the goodwill and the work clothes of your staff and their human approach to visitors. In our building, we have an alarm connected to the Centralized Security Monitoring Desk (CSMD), and thanks to that our building is under protection even at a time when no one is at work. We highly recommend your services.

Executive Director Štefan Slovák

Ďakujeme za spoluprácu ľuďom zo spoločnosti Defense Pro. Profesionalita, ústretovosť, voči zákazníkom a proaktívny prístup je to, čím si nás získali.
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